Its registered office is located in Réserve Naturelle des marais de Séné, route de Brouel, 56860 Séné, France. Its founding members, as amateur or professional ornithologists, are either residents in Casamance or regular visitors of this region.
Study and protection of birds in the whole of natural Casamance (Ziguinchor, Sédhiou and Kolda departments) and their habitats as well (rocks, landscapes, soils and waters), when their preservation is imperative because of a scientific, economic or esthetic interest.
Contribute to achieving the Atlas of the Birds of Casamance, mapping the actual distribution of the breeding and wintering avifauna all along the 28,350 square kilometers of that natural area. It's the essential starting point for any effective conservation action.
By subscribing or making a donation to Apalis, you contribute effectively in the preservation of the avifauna of Casamance.
By engaging yourself constructively in the current handbook if you visit or have visited Casamance, by sharing your sightings on this website (online data entry).